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In the September issue of Electronic Markets, Christian Matt, Manuel Trenz, Christy Cheung and Ofir Turel published a special issue on "Digitization of the Individual. In their introductory article, the guest editors describe the conceptual foundations of the phenomenon itself and develop a framework for structuring future research challenges and opportunities in the topic area:

Matt, C., Trenz, M., Cheung, C. M. K., and Turel, O. 2019. “The Digitization of the Individual: Conceptual Foundations and Opportunities for Research” Electronic Markets, (29:3), pp. 315-222.
Link to the article: (open access).

The Special Issue consists of three research articles that examine different perspectives on individuals in today’s digitized world. In the first article, Katharine Kunst and Ravi Vatrapu develop the concept of the "Electronic Word of Behavior" (WOB) as an expression of the digital traces left behind by individuals:

Kunst, K. and Vatrapu, R. 2019. “Understanding electronic word of behavior: conceptualization of the observable digital traces of consumers’ behaviors” Electronic Markets, (29:3), pp. 323-336.
Link to the article:

In the second article, Esko Penttinen, Merja Halme, Pekka Malo, Timo Saarinen and Ville-Matias Vilén use the example of online poker to investigate how the requirements for digital services differ based on individuals’ utilitarian or hedonic motivations:

Penttinen, E., Halme, M., Malo, P., Saarinen, T., and Vilén, V-M 2019. “Playing for fun or for profit: how extrinsically-motivated and intrinsically-motivated players make the choice between competing dual-purposed gaming platforms” Electronic Markets, (29:3), pp. 337–358.
Link to the article:

In the third article, Jakob Wirth, Christian Maier, Sven Laumer and Tim Weitzel develop an improved understanding of information sensitivity of information by taking the social environment into consideration:

Wirth, J., Maier, C., Laumer, S., and Weitzel, T. 2019. “Perceived information sensitivity and interdependent privacy protection: A quantitative study” Electronic Markets, (29:3), pp. 359-378.
Link to the article: